On Thursday, April 7th, 2022 at 6 pm, ENSCMu will be delighted to welcome people who will take part in a panel discussion for general public. This idea has been suggested by the Engineers and Scientists French Society for the 2022 National Engineering Day, called “All about data”.
Everyday, teraoctets of data are created and stocked across the world. New uses of technology (social networks, search engines, cybercommerce websites, smartphones, GPS data) and technical progress (processors’ power, parallel processing, storage space, Clouds, increase of the speed: 4G and optical fiber) generate a “Data Deluge” called “Big Data”.
Drawback or benefit? What can one do when confronting this deluge ?
Two participants will try to answer the question:
Upper Rhine Senator and Regional Advisor for the Great East region Ludovic Haye will touch upon the issue of this data by the lens of their classification, safety, storage, and energy and environment constraints while storing them. He wrote a note about using DNA for data storage, which could be a breakthrough innovation.
Research Director at the Charles Sadron institute (CNRS Strasbourg) and PhD in polymer chemistry Jean François Lutz will talk about his last work regarding digital polymers: data storage, pictures and safe information in molecules.
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